Steve Jobs Photo

Steve Jobs Photo

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Post 5: Experiences I Had While Creating This Blog

My over all experience in creating this blog about Steve Jobs was rewarding. I learned a lot about Steve Jobs that I probably would have never learned if it was not for this project. I enjoyed searching the Internet and reading though his biography finding facts about him. He was a very wealthy and intelligent man.

Some challenges that I faced while creating this blog were mainly with the gadgets. I had a hard time getting my Flickr photos of Steve Jobs into a slideshow. I also had difficulties with getting the URL for the RSS Twitter Feed. After many tried with these gadgets, I was able get them both onto my blog. 

My favorite part was doing the timeline. I found it interesting, looking at all the different products that Apple has released over the years. There are a lot so I listed only a few of the popular ones.

As I have mentioned earlier in the semester, I would enjoy doing a blog about baking. I am a visual person so I would add more pictures to my blog and talk about them.  

Friday, May 4, 2012

Post 4: Steve Jobs Talking About the iPad

This hyperlink shows a video clip of Steve Jobs talking about the apple ipad. He gave this talk on January 27, 2012.

Post 3: A Historical Apple Timeline of Events/Products From Start to Finish

After doing some research on these two websites   
I was able to find some timelines of Apple products that have been released over the years. I chose some of the popular ones in my timeline below. Apple began in 1976 and products are still being released today in 2012.    

1976 - Apple I was created by Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs
1977 - Apple II – plastic case with color graphic
1983 - Apple started selling the “Lisa” - desktop computer for businesses with a graphical user interface
1984 - Apple starts selling Macintosh personal computers
1985 - Jobs left Apple due to a power struggle but returned to Apple in later years
1991 - Apple introduces PowerBook 100 - the first portable computer
1993 - Apple introduces Newton Message Pad- the first hand held device with a touch screen.
1997 - Jobs becomes an Apple’s interim CEO
1997 - Jobs introduces Macintosh Computer G3 and a website that allows people to order directly from Apple.
1998 - Apple introduces iMac desktop computer
2001 - Apple introduces iPod - a digital music player
2003 - iTunes store opens: Users can buy and download music, audiobooks, movies, and TV shows online.
2004 - Jobs underwent surgery to remove a cancerous tumor in his pancreas
2005 - iPod is able to play videos.
2005 - Apple introduces a portable iPod shuffle and sleek iPod nano
2007 - Apple introduces a iPhone with a virtual keyboard
2008 - Apple opens an App store - an update to iTunes
Jan 2009 - Job takes a break from Apple for a liver transplant
June 2009 - Job returns
2009 - Apple introduces iPhone 3GS
2010 - Apple introduces iPad- a touchscreen tablet
Jan 2011 - Jobs takes another medical leave
Feb 2011 - Apple introduces MacBook
March 2011 - Apple introduces iPad 2 – a sleeker lighter version of its tablet
Oct 2011 - Jobs passed away
Some other popular Apple products that have been released after Jobs’ death are
Oct 2011 - iPhone 4
Oct 2011 - MacBook Pro
2012 - iPad 3

Part 2: A Two-Paragraph Biography About Steve Jobs

I learned a lot about Steve Jobs as I researched him on the website
Steve Jobs was born in San Francisco, CA on February 24, 1955 and was adopted by Paul and Clara Jobs. He grew up in a neighborhood of engineers and spent many weekends with these engineers working with electronics in the Jobs's garage. At age 13, Jobs met Stephen Wozniak (Woz), an electronics whiz kid. He was drawn in and became very interested in the field of engineering. After one semester at a college in Oregon, Jobs dropped out and moved back to California to work at the video game marker Atari. There he made some money, which he used to go to India with Woz. When he came back to California, he became interested in Woz’s activities and attended a club that Woz was a member of called the Homebrew Computer Club. They learned about building their own personal computers and writing software using a computer kit. With the knowledge that Woz had about electronics, he decided to build his own computer board that did not involve a computer kit. Jobs knew that this invention could be sold to many software hobbyists, so he convinced Woz to start his own business. On April 1, 1975, Apple was born. The invention and large amount of Apple products sold made the Apple founders millionaires. At age 25, Jobs net worth increased to over $200 million. Steve Jobs had a passion for Apple and did up until the end of his life.

Steve Jobs and his brilliant inventions of Apple technology arguably changed our lives more than any technology before it. In the last quarter of 2009, Apple had 283 stores worldwide that had more than $1.79 billion in sales. The many Apple products that were invented throughout the years: Lisa, Macintosh, NeXT, iPod, iPhone, iMac, etc. have given us access to personal computing, the ability to listen to thousands of songs on one device, and the access to buy apps in which we can play, learn and do much more than ever before. Apple has created hardware and applications that are powerful, delightful and easy to use. They are addicting. Due to this, many PC users now have purchased Apple products and the PC industry has been blown away. 

Two other websites that I researched are

Post 1: Who is My Famous Person? Why Did I Select Him?

My famous person is Steve Jobs and he has contributed to the popularity and growth of the web in many ways. I selected Steve Jobs because I wanted to learn more about him and his experiences inventing and using the famous “Apple” products. As an Apple user, I have become interested in learning more about the history of Steve Jobs and Apple, therefore; this will be a great start to my research.